a shopify theme

Transparent Header
Drawing more attention to your primary image, Venus offers a transparent header until users hover over it or scroll down.
Multimedia Banner
Allowing you to display videos, images or a split two-column homepage banner gives you the flexibility to content in the manner that best suits your brand and audience.
Featured Collections
Display a unique call-out for your top collections. This offers some interactivity with users as well as draws attentions to your best selling collections.
Featured Products
A spot to display your featured products, drawing more attention and conversions to those items.
Latest Blogs
Display your latest blog posts on your homepage, allowing users to gain easier access to knowledge and How-Tos.
Information Banner
Display a banner of useful keywords, core values or other static information vital for your brand.

Detail Accordions
Add additional information to each product to display on the product pages. From Care Instruction to How-To Guides and much more.
Featured Banner
Displaying images and text emphasizing a feature call out for your products such as ingredients, quality or philanthropy.
Recommended Products
Display recommended products to users to encourage upsell of related or relevant products.

Inline Banner
Add an inline banner to Collection pages in order to add a specific CTA or provide extra imagery to go with your listing of products.
Quick Add
Allow shoppers to add items directly to cart without leaving the collections page. This allows shoppers to quickly add multiple items to cart.
Sub-Collection Buttons
Add buttons to PLP Collections to allow shoppers to filter further into more specific product collections with ease.
Collections Banner
Add a custom banner image and CTA on collection pages to draw more attention with an eye-catching banner.
Content Carousel
A carousel that allows you to add images, videos or collection links to help guide shoppers to continue their exploration of the brand and products.

Image blocks
Image blocks can be added to the mega menu to allow visitors to shop by image, creating a clean and aesthetically pleasing shopping experience.
are you Ready to learn more about our venus theme?
- Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh.
- Opens in a new window.